Welcome to the Michigan Regimental Round Table Home Page

Our January 27th Meeting

Our January meeting will be on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:30 pm in the basement of the Farmington Library—corner of Grand River and Farmington Road. Our guest speaker, Jim Epperson of Ann Arbor, will begin around 7:00 pm after our 6:30 pm business meeting. We must leave the library by 8:45 pm.

The Roundtable is proud to welcome as our January 2025 speaker. Jim Epperson of Ann Arbor, who will share with us the story of “Shiloh and the Removal of Major General Lew Wallace, USA” General Wallace was one of the more interesting personalities of the Civil War. He and his command got “lost” during the First Day of the Battle of Shiloh. Of course, after the war he wrote Ben Hur, complete with the chariot race. He was also Governor of the Arizona Territory. Jim became interested in the Civil War when his father bought the American Heritage Illustrated History of the Civil War. This is a common occurrence for those of us that grew up during the Centennial of the Civil War in the 1960’s. Jim is a retired mathematician with a degree from the University of Michigan and a PhD from Carnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh. This will be an educational and entertaining evening!

Our January, 2025 Newsletter is available here.

MRRT: Who We Are

Image: Who We Are and Our Motto

When & Where We Meet

We meet on the last Monday of the month (except in October, when we go on our Annual Field Trip, and December, when we traditionally do not meet) at the Farmington Community Library, Farmington Branch, 23500 Liberty St. Farmington, MI 48335. (248) 553•0300 Meetings start at 6:30 p.m.

What We Do

We meet monthly to hear from our members on the latest books, issues of preservation, and other items of Civil War interest. At each meeting, a keynote speaker provides a presentation on a Civil War topic. A monthly newsletter is send by email and also snail-mailed to members.

In addition, each October we take our Annual Field Trip, in which MRRT members travel to a Civil War battlefield for a weekend tour. Though the COVID-19 Pandemic has put a damper on our 2020 and 2021r Field Trips, we resumed in 2022.

Join Us—Become A Member

The monthly program is open to all, but only members receive the monthly newsletter and can participate in the MRRT annual field trip. Annual membership dues are $5 for students and $25 for all others. The dues are used to cover expenses for speakers, facilities, preservation and administrative costs. Checks should be made out to Jeanie Graham and can be mailed to her home at 29835 Northbrook, Farmington Hills, MI 48334-2326. The bank does NOT like checks made out to the Roundtable. Our checks may also be brought to our monthly meeting and given to Jeanie. Cash is always welcome.

For information on how to join the MRRT, come visit us at our monthly meeting, or email Jim Burroughs.

Past CWRT Online Lectures / Speakers

Did you know that all of the videos the Civil War Round Table Congress (CWRT) has recorded are available to you on our website? In all, there are well over 200 lectures by authors and historians, living history presentations, interviews with key Civil War community leaders, online classroom discussions and more. These lectures are pre-recorded YouTube-type videos made from the original Zoom presentations. You can browse them here. Be sure to click on the blue links that are in all caps serving as the title for each lecture.